Cade Essential Oil 60ml

Unité Essential oils

Cade Essential Oil 60ml
Cade Essential Oil 60ml
$ 22.78 *Prices are exclusive of VAT Public price
Article codeW-801001
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Rich in sesquiterpenes, Cade was traditionally used in Provence to fight against parasites. Purifying, soothing and rebalancing, its essential oil is highly appreciated today.


Botanical name: Juniperus oxycedrus

Part of the plant: Wood

Origin: India

Processing Method: Steam Distilled

Description / Color / Consistency: A thin, brown liquid.

Aromatic Summary / Note / Strength of the aroma: A woody note.

904 / 5000
Résultats de traduction
Properties of cade essential oil
The properties of cade essential oil are explained by the presence of active compounds originally present in the wood and roots of Juniperus oxycedrus.

Antiparasitic, anti-infectious and antiproliferative
The sesquiterpenes it contains fight against external aggressors, in particular parasites.

It contains beta-caryophyllene which is an anti-inflammatory molecule.

Other properties:
For the well-being
Sesquiterpenes, the major components in Cade essential oil, have a calming action on the nervous system.

Sesquiterpenes essential oils have excellent skin tolerance, so they can be applied neat to the skin without the slightest irritation that they are even supposed to combat.

Other properties:
Indications of cade essential oil
Thanks to the many properties described above, cade oil has multiple indications, mainly for the skin.

For health
Skin problems
The calming, anti-infectious and antipruritic properties of the oil allow it to be used in the treatment of many skin problems:

Skin disorders: urticaria, eczema, psoriasis ...
Hair (dandruff hair, oily hair, etc.)
Skin infection (scabies, yeast infection, etc.)
Scalp yeast infection
For the well-being
The relaxing property of cade essential oil has made it suitable for various psycho-emotional cases:

Addictions (drugs, alcohol, food, tobacco, etc.)
Latent depression
Meditation (promotes)
Use of cade essential oil
Cade essential oil can be used in many different ways. However, if in doubt, it is recommended that you contact a professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile and your age.

Skin application, massage
For all skin problems, dilute 1 drop of essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil, then apply and massage the affected area (do not apply to the anogenital areas).

Hair (hair with dandruff, oily hair, etc.): dilute in a shampoo or a mask then apply and massage the hair.
Scalp mycosis: dilute in a shampoo or a mask then apply and massage the hair.
During long-term use, this essential oil presents a risk of allergic reaction.

Oral route
The oral route is not indicated for this oil.

To promote well-being (and treat addictions), it is possible to use cade essential oil by:

Wet inhalation: dilute a few drops of essential oil in a container of hot water then inhale the vapors;
Dry inhalation: apply a few drops of essential oil to a handkerchief, a pebble or on the inside of the wrists, then breathe from time to time.
Cade essential oil is one of the oils compatible with diffusion. To promote well-being, choose one of the following distribution methods:

Diffusion by nebulization. These diffusers, which propel the essential oil through a pump, are the most efficient, but they tend to be expensive and can be more or less noisy.
Ultrasonic diffusion (misting). Less powerful, these diffusers remain effective in benefiting from the effects of the essential oil in closed rooms.
Diffusion by gentle heat. Pour a few drops of essential oil into the small receptacle of these diffusers. Under the effect of heat, the volatile aromatic particles will mingle with the atmosphere. Ideally used in a small closed room.
Precautions for use of cade essential oil
Cade essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy and in children under 6 years old.

Cade essential oil should be used in localized applications, diluted in vegetable oil and over a fairly short period of time. Risk of allergic reaction over time.

Warning: The properties and indications mentioned in this sheet are based on a body of research which presents a traditional use of essential oil, recognized by experts in aromatherapy.

However, it is still recommended for the use of essential oils to contact an aromatherapy professional in order to collect personalized and secure information, adapted to your medical situation, your profile and your age.

Choosing a good cade essential oil
To choose a good essential oil of cade, it is necessary to have in mind its biochemical composition, its physical and organoleptic characteristics as well as some notions on its geographical exploitation.

Common name: Cade, Oxycèdre, Cadier, Bois de Cade, Juniper cadier, Himalayan juniper
Latin name: Juniperus oxycedrus
Botanical family: Cupressaceae
Distilled part: Wood (and root)
Origin: India
Biochemical composition
The biochemical composition is liable to change depending on the production conditions.

Main chemical compounds: Sesquiterpenes (23 to 60%) (Alpha-cedrene, Delta-cadinene, Zonarene, Beta-caryophyllene)
Other chemical compounds: Phenols (7 to 10%), Sesquiterpenols (Cadinol).
Physical characteristics
A good Cade essential oil should have the following physical characteristics:
Density at 20 ° C: 0.920 to 0.965
Refractive index at 20 ° C: 1.510 to 1.515
Rotary power at 20 ° C: -35 ° to -10 °
Flash point: + 110 ° C
Organoleptic characteristics
Cade oil is pale yellow with a woody, slightly "cedar" scent characteristic of cade essential oil.

History of cade essential oil
The cade is a small tree very common in the Mediterranean, where it is characteristic of scrubland and scrubland. In particular, its cones, which are orange-brown, are consumed when they are fresh. It is the most common of the junipers, mainly because it likes arid, rocky places, with calcareous or acidic soils. The essential oil, which is one of the most useful oils in aromatherapy, is extracted from its wood, itself renowned for its rot-resistance.


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