Cold Cream 500ml


Cold Cream 500ml
$ 30.45 *Prices are exclusive of VAT Public price
Article codeW-730840
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Bermocosm cold cream has been specially developed to soothe and reduce swelling and tension.
The benefits of freezing locally:

Bermocosm cold cream has been specially developed to soothe and reduce swelling and tension. It facilitates the drainage of toxins and stimulates circulation to fight against heavy legs.
Provides a feeling of intense cold that decongests, facilitates drainage, circulation and muscle relaxation. With soothing and vasotonic properties, CRYO-K lotion Promotes the elimination of toxins.
With soothing properties, reinforces the cold effect of menthol.

Directions for use: Can be used with impregnated strips, as a simple application or as a wrap.


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